“Exercise and It’s Affect On Adolescents”
Queens College, City University of New York
these are the 5 articles that i used: http://ac.els-cdn.com/S1933287408001244/1-s2.0-S1933287408001244-main.pdf?_tid=a71ae9b6-b753-11e6-898c-00000aacb35d&acdnat=1480548239_99f2b396dff43e398856c7f5c8b47843
the essay is divided into parts. i completed most parts, but there are a few sections left: SEMINAL RESEARCH-One Paragraph, 250 words- First, Original Research CHRONOLOGICAL RESEARCH- One Paragraph, 250 words GAPS in RESEARCH-One Paragraph, 250 words Background Research- 500-750 words Conclusions and Recommendations- 250-750 words
also, please fix the abstract and state the problem sections if you feel it is needed, or add anything that i am missing. thank you
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