Example of coding: for academic adjustment

Axial codes for academic adjustment would be:

1) Motivation to attend college

2) Relating to Faculty

3) Academic engagement


Open codes for academic achievement would be:

1) Motivation to attend college    

     a) Encouragement from family and friends     

    b) Financial goals    

   c) Personal goals


2) Relating to faculty    

a) Responsiveness    

b) A congenial atmosphere    

c) Concern for students' needs


3) Academic engagement    

a) Involvement in campus activities    

b) Attending class, taking notes, and studying    

c) Sitting in the front of the class    

d) Actively participating    

e) Creating a course schedule with breaks between classes    

f) Completing homework before going out with friends


Example of coding: for belonging:

Axiel Codes for Belonging would be:

1) Challenges

2) Benefits


Open Codes would be:

1) Challenges:           

a) Roommate Tensions          

 b) Homesickness           

c) Commuter Difficulties            

d) Difficulty fitting in           

e) Transitioning to new way of life


2) Benefits:            

a) Living on campus-created new friendships.            

b) Created confidence, sense of freedom.             

c) Redefining who they were-better than high school.            

d) Going home on weekends-show their old friends how well they were doing, what they were accomplishing.

Field of study: 
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