The Case Study of Rosa Lee: A Mother and Her Family in Urban America

This is a comprehensive project. The expectation is that you will be able to show a working understanding of the course material. The suggested readings will enhance your ability to excel in this project. You are asked to read Rosa Lee: A Mother and Her Family in Urban America. You will be required to complete a thorough assessment of Rosa Lee or one of her family members, using the Case Study Template below. The information should be obtained from the book, Rosa Lee: A Mother and Her Family in Urban America, but written in a clinical style. You should still be using proper APA style citing and quoting to indicate that this information is from the book. Hence, frequent citing of Dash (1996) is expected—and proper quoting if you use direct wording from this book. Although this is practice for professional writing, this is an academic assignment, thus proper citing throughout is expected. Not properly citing/quoting is a form of plagiarism.

Include an APA style title page before the template and include an APA style reference page as well. Please note that on the Case Study Template there is a section for psychosocial information; developmental, family, and current functioning. You are to use information given in this biography of Rosa Lee to complete the psychosocial section. In addition, the Case Study Template has sections requiring you to address the person’s attitude, social functioning, occupational functioning, financial functioning, family history, legal history, and health and spiritual functioning of the person chosen for assessment. You are then prompted by the Case Study Template to give a diagnostic impression by ascertaining if this person is in use, abuse, or an addictive cycle and if there are any co-occurring issues. You will use the psychosocial information, as well as all other information ascertained using the Case Study Template. You must also justify your diagnostic impression with citations from textbook readings, presentations, etc. Finally you will be expected to make a referral and treatment recommendations based on your determination of person’s current needs. You are expected to incorporate your readings and videos into this case study. Use the learning materials to support your case study, referral, and treatment recommendations. This case study needs to be strongly supported by the course materials and, if done properly, will render 12–15 pages. Please note this project is designed for you to show a working understanding of the course materials; therefore, it is truly a comprehensive project.

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The Case Study of Rosa Lee: A Mother and Her Family in Urban America

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