Population Growth Consequences and Solutions

Choose a country to research (note that some countries have more complete information available about them than others).

Research issues regarding population growth, urbanization, and social issues in this country related to population. Some counties, such as Australia and many European countries are experiencing below-replacement fertility, while other countries, such as Uganda, have a fertility rate around six children per woman.

Research can be found at the Population Reference Bureau (www.prb.org) or at the U.S. Census website (www.census.gov), or you may complete a web search for a specific country’s census bureau (although some are not translated into English).

The U.S. does have some census data for other countries in English. On the discussion board, in 250 words or more, summarize major issues related to population growth in the country that you researched. Be sure to discuss any social problems related to population.

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Population Growth Consequences and Solutions

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