RSCH 8201: Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis
Final Project:
Developing a Quantitative Research Plan
the final project, students will develop a quantitative research plan. As such,
students have two choices:
· Continue to develop the abbreviated quantitative plan completed in RSCH 8100, or
Develop a new plan
This is not meant to be a full
research plan in that students will not be constructing data collection
instruments or generating data to use. The final project is meant to develop
understanding about the relationships between research questions and
hypotheses, research design, and statistical tests. For this project, students
will consider more the design and methodology of the quantitative research they
The Final Project should include the following:
A. Opening
B. Background
of the study
a. Summary of the literature framing history of the project, using 5 articles related to the problem
b. Gaps and/or deficiencies in prior research
c. Importance of present study
i. Why the study should be pursued
For whom is it important
C. Problem
D. Purpose of the statement
a. Research design (experimental, quasi-experimental, or non-experimental)
b. Theory tested or described
c. Intent (describe, compare, relate)
Variables (independent, dependent,
controlling, intervening)
E. Research question(s) and hypotheses
a. Research question(s)
Null and alternative hypotheses for
each research question, including how each of the variables will be
F. Nature of the study
a. Design
i. Paradigm (quantitative)
ii. Design
1. Experimental, quasi-experimental, or pre/non-experimental
2. Specific design (e.g., pre-post test control group, time-series, etc. See Campbell & Stanley 1963.)
Rationale for the design
b. Methodology
i. Population
1. Definition
2. Size, if known, or approximate/estimated size
ii. Sampling
1. Type of sampling
2. How the sample will be drawn
3. Sample size and why chosen in relation to population size
iii. Instrumentation and materials
1. Identify instrument
2. Establish reliability
3. Establish validity
Data analysis plan: indicate what
analytical tools will be applied to each set of data collected.
c. Limitations
i. Potential design and/or methodological weaknesses of the study
ii. Explain how the weaknesses will be addressed
Threats to validity and how they
will be potentially addressed in the study
d. Ethical Concerns
Describe your proposed procedure for
providing informed consent and any ethical concerns you may need to address.
G. Significance
of the study
a. Practical contributions of the study
b. For whom the study is important
c. Implications for social change