1. Discuss the meaning of the term “globalization.” Approximate length 1 paragraph(5 points)
2. Answer either a OR b.Approximate length 3 paragraphs (10 points)
a. Imagine that you were on of Milton’s Friedman’s students, known as the Chicago Boys, in 1957. Explain your economic perspective, and how your viewpoint influences your position on globalization.
b. Imagine that you are Sir Edward Malet, the British representative to the Berlin Conference in 1884-85. Describe the conference, then discuss your political perspective on the partitioning of Africa, and your strategy for obtaining land in Africa. Finally, briefly list the results of the conference.
3. Identify the key components of the Human Development Index (HDI). Imagine that you were recently hired by the United Nations to critique the value of the HDI in assessing the development of countries. Provide an outline of your critique that includes both the strengths and weaknesses of the HDI. Can be written in a table, or point form.
4. Complete the Sally Jones Case that is attached. (25 points)
5. Discuss social stratification and/or debt based on information from ONE of the following images on the next page. Approximate length 1 paragraph. (5 points)