Capstone Project: Topic and Preliminary Outline: How Drugs Whether illegal or Prescription Affect Sports

Submit your formal Capstone Project Topic Choice along with a Preliminary Outline of your presentation.

This should include:

I.               Title Page

II.             Table of Contents (place holder at this time)

III.           Basic structure content outline

IV.           Reference Page:

*Sources must be submitted in proper APA formatted style. (A variety of sources are required and 5-10 sources max) 

*Reference section should consist of brief 2-5-sentence description of source and why it is necessary to your Capstone Project.

The above outline is for the next assignment. The next assignment requires:

*Sources must be submitted in proper APA formatted style. Your completed Capstone Project Research Paper will be approximately 20-40 pages long with a total of 15 -25 references.

I am attaching the requirements for final capstone research project for you to tell me if you can do it and work out a price in advance. If you are willing to do final research paper I will submit to you with agreed price.

Field of study: 
Date Due: 
Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Topic and Preliminary Outline: How Drugs Whether illegal or Prescription Affect Sports

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