Review each learning team member’s project. Choose, as a team, one of the individual project plans reviewed. Write a paper of no more than 1,100 words of strategies that facilitate influencing power and control for the project proposal chosen. Determine appropriate informal strategies to influence the success of the selected project. Consider the following• Input quality • Output quality • Change management strategies • Scope management strategies Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.Plan Execution
Introduction Plan execution phase is the most important phase as it allows the project managers to have something to show for their efforts during the planning. Execution phase can be divided into two major stages that are related in a way that they both lead to a successful execution. The first stage is the performance of the required task for the project, while the second one involves monitoring and controlling the performance. Still in this phase the managers put all they have planned into tangible outcomes (Lutchman, 2016). The execution phase cannot be completed without looking at different strategies used to manage the performance of the project responsibilities. In addition, strategies used for monitoring and controlling the project are very crucial so as to ensure that the objectives of the plan are achieved. Strategies for Management These are the methods that are used to monitor the resources which include human, financial, and physical resources. For easy management of the said resources, they are divided into temporary and permanent resources based on the durability of the reserve. Human Resource Management Human resource includes the qualified and the unqualified staff that are employed to work at the construction site. These persons can be managed by linking their manager to the objective of and goals in order to bring success (Lutchman, 2016). Therefore, they are managed by employing he required number, providing training, rewarding, and analyzing the available personnel, in line with the fulfillment of their duties.
Financial Management This the overall of the a process of managing and monitoring the outcomes of the project in line with the budget, account, financial reports, auditing, and procurement of the project, In addition, financial managements also concerned with the internal control that results to the physical performance of the project in line to the management of the total available resources to bring the desired results. This should be managed properly by making sure that the records are kept properly. Physical Resources These are all the tangible resources that are available at the disposal of a firm. They are inclusive of land and any other materials that can be managed in order to achieve the goals of the project. They can be classified as permanent resources of the firm since they are mostly fixed. This has to be managed by ensuring that they are used effectively with care to avoid wastage and failure. For example, land must be used effectively to make sure that that the designed building and the desired size is achieved. This is because land is very sensitive in term of prices. Work Plan Management Work plan management is a process of managing the work that is expected to be done according to the schedule. In this category, the deliverables of the project are taken as the measure of achievement. The management should develop a strategy that ensures that firm achieves the deliverables in good time and making sure that they are of the best quality. Quality Assurance Strategies The daily evaluation of the progress of the project provides sureness that the project will satisfy all the relevant and required quality standards on completion (Lutchman, 2016). During the execution of this project, there will be a team from Quality Management to ensure that the project achieves the required quality. They shall provide guidelines on quality all through from the beginning of the project to the time it’s completed. They have an independent reporting chain that is outside the project to make sure that when they report a problem to the project managers and they do not do anything about it, they have a higher authority so as to give the problem a sufficient attention. This ensures that the project is kept in check and there is a balance. Communication Strategies This one of the most important tools that can contribute to failure or success of the project. In most cases, there are various stakeholders who need to be updated on the progress of the project as it progresses from the begging all the way till it is completed. Unfortunately, most of these stakeholders are scattered all over and in all cases, they all have different expectations of the project. Thus, it is extremely important that the management holds meetings and have clear records of the progress of the project at the ready for the shareholders (Lutchman, 2016). The kind of communications required includes minutes, meetings, and a summary. This should be communicated as often as possible to ensure that nothing comes to the patrons as a surprise. In addition, the project managers must be able to communicate with everyone involved on a daily basis to make sure that working is headed the right direction and towards the required goals. Document Management Strategies Documentation strategies are methods that are used to store and manage the relevant documents and records as the project progresses. The most common method and effective methods are to use the electronic methods because they are sanded, it’s easy to retrieve any needed document at any time. For the project records, the documents have to be kept in the duplicates and kept by different people to ensure transparency and accuracy.
Change Request Management Strategies This is an alteration of the original plan and may be requested in order to meet changes that may have occurred unexpectedly. It can also be change that in the type of materials that are used for certain parts of the project. The request strategy must be formal and in written format so as to be as clear as possible. Since change incorporates an additional cost, then the written request must be able to explain the reasons for change and the estimated additional cost. Contingency Plan This is an emergency plan that managers will prepare to counter risks in the future as the unexpected happens (Lutchman, 2016). It must be prepared at the initial stages of planning because it relies on the assumptions made and the possible changes in the market. The plan should be clearer than the strategic plan and be an alternative to ensure success of the project despite the changes in the economy. Strategies Used to Monitor the Project This is strategies that are used by the project managers to monitor and control the outcomes of the project in line with the objectives. They are intended to keep the project on the right tract and ensure that the majority of the work is done (Snyder, 2013). The project managers must be able to evaluate the resources that have been used, the amount of work that is done and what is remaining basing their reference on the schedule. Also, they can monitor the progress of the project using the work breakdown structure. Schedule The schedule is a guide that helps the project managers to keep tract of the portion of the work that is done on a daily basis in relation to the overall work. The strategy for keeping the schedule in check is to always monitor the amount of work done weekly. The work should be put in the form of tables, graphs, and any other forms of charts, to be able to view the project’s milestone. Budget This should be monitored using the S curve, which shows the difference between the budget, actual spending and the predicted expend. This should be able to show us if the amount that is budgeted for the project is going to be enough to complete the project or if the amount will be more that they planned for. Although this is a good curve, it fails to show the causes of the low or over budget of the project. Using the scheduling and budget results, we can be able to assess whether we are getting the value of money by using Earned Value Analysis (EVA). This can be able to evaluate the progress of the project in relation to the budget and be able to tell whether the project is behind schedule or not. Critical Path The critical path is an alternative way of achieving the scheduled work in less time than the one that has been scheduled. This can be identified by managers as they try to meet the scheduled time for completion of the project (Snyder, 2013). It enables managers to optimize and prioritize jobs that may be dragging the team behind and be able to meet the deadline of the project achieving the required goals. Resource Level Resource levelling strategies can be achieved by various methods, including utilizing available slack, smoothing, and shifting the project finishing date. These are methods that are used to ensure that there is no over allocation of resources and that the delays are reduced. The main aim is to ensure that the parts of the project that require more resources are allocated as needed and the less demanding parts are allocated less time and resources. Change Request This is a document that is written request a change in the plan. The strategy for this document to be developed is to ensure that a required change in the project is obtained. This has to be prepared when the need arises so as to make sure that the project will reach a maximum objective at the scheduled time. The policy for this document is that it has to formally written and state the clearly the scope of change and determine the possibility of integrating the said change. Scope Creep This problem that can arise from improperly defined project scope. This can lead to a project failing to meet the demand and expected results in the budget (Snyder, 2013). The project managers must be very flexible in a way that they accommodate the changes that are proposed. In addition, they should very keen to ensure that any changes that has been proposed is in line with the schedule and falls within the budget. Conclusion In summary, the project execution phase consists of two main stages; performing the require tasks and monitoring the tasks. The performance stage involves management of resources such as human, financial, and physical resource. The monitoring stage involves all the steps of managing and controlling the outcome of the project in line with the budget and schedule.
References Lutchman, C. (2016). Project execution (1st ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Snyder, C. (2013). A project manager's book of forms (1st ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.
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