For this Discussion, review the Haber article.
· Post your choice of a theory that best aligns with the use of a life review and why.
· Explain how you believe life review can be a useful intervention when working with elderly clients.
References (use 3 or more)
Browne, C. V. (1995). Empowerment in social work practice with older women. Social Work, 40(3), 358–364.
Holosko, M. J., Skinner, J. F., Patterson, C. A., & Brisebois, K. (2013). Intervention with the elderly. In M. J. Holosko, C. N. Dulmus, & K. M. Sowers (Eds.), Social work practice with individuals and families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions (pp. 197–235). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
Laidlaw, K. (2001). An empirical review of cognitive therapy for late life depression: Does research evidence suggest adaptations are necessary for cognitive therapy with older adults? Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 8(1), 1–14.
Haber, D. (2006). Life review: Implementation, theory, research, and therapy. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 63(2), 153–171.
Monod, S. M., Rochat, E., Büla, C. J., Jobin, G., Martin, E., & Spencer, B. (2010). The spiritual distress assessment tool: An instrument to assess spiritual distress in hospitalised elderly persons. BMC Geriatrics, 10, 88.