This should be a comprehensive review of the organization. It will
include the purpose of the practicum ( yours & the organization's)
primary individuals involved, goals and objectives. The organizations
mission, goals, values, and philosophy and services should be
documented. It should include the organizational chart and decision
making structure (e.g. centralized v. decentralized) other
organizational data would include: type of personnel, facility's funding
and financial standing, etc. A literature search relevant to the
project should be conducted, as well as the plan you intend to follow to
complete your project. ( no more than 7-10 pages double spaced 12 font)
Also a Powerpoint not pleased with mine. The slide needs to include
types of services offered type of population served staffing and
composition,organizational chart,business structure( not for profit),
recent changes in business model,business outlook, facilities
operations, add anything you think we should know about the facility to
engage the students (quiz game song dance) no more than 7 slides
Field of study:
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