Learning Outcomes
You are being asked to demonstrate your proficiency in the following categories:
· ability to read critically, analyze, and synthesize information and concepts in written sources as the basis for developing your own ideas and claims,
· ability to analyze genre conventions and structure in ways that serve the development and communication of information and ideas,
· ability to make editing choices in style, grammar, spelling, and punctuation that contribute to the clear communication of information and ideas.
The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the image and then explain what you have found. What does the image mean? What is it trying to tell us? How do you know what it is trying to tell us? What aspects of the image portray its meaning? How does it do it?
You should:
1. Briefly summarize what the image is of in the introduction, then say what your analysis of the image will focus on (thesis statement)
2. Explain how you reached your analysis and what aspects of the image portray its meaning
3. Deliver an effective conclusion
Considerations for Evaluation
1. Does the analysis identify and focus on specific evidence? Is the significance of this evidence explored? Does the analysis explain what is interesting, strange or revealing about the evidence?
2. Does the analysis remain independent, brief, and objective by paraphrasing the author’s words, using a minimum of quotations, and avoiding judgment or personal associations?
3. Does the analysis offer a brief summary/explanation of the visual text’s main claim that could be understood by someone unfamiliar with it?
4. Does the analysis exhibit brevity and coherence through a logical flow of ideas and the use of transitions, attributive tags, and strong verbs?