Sample Action Research Report Evaluation

The purpose of this assignment is for you to review a FINISHED action  research report showing the entire planning process and allowing you to  put together visibly, what a finished action research proposal consists  of including the planning stage you are responsible for in this course  as well as the results portion of the report for which you will be  responsible for in EDU675 (MAED students).  Having this exposure to a  finished report should help you make connections with what you’ve been  planning as well as what you will be actually implementing through your  proposed intervention/innovation once you begin EDU675.

According to Mills (2014), “To evaluate a research study competently,  you must have knowledge of each component of the research process” (p.  215). For this assignment, you will consider all that you have learned  and practiced up to this point in our course and apply criteria for  evaluating action research to the following: Sample Action Research Report 1: Effect of Technology in Enthusiasm for Learning SciencePreview the documentView in a new window. Finally, you will include a self-reflection. Note that it is acceptable to write in the first-person voice in the reflection.

The assignment needs to include the following areas of content.

  • Area of Focus (1 point): Describe the area of focus and  whether it involves teaching and learning. Include support from the  literature where appropriate.
  • Research Questions (0.5 point): List the research  questions and discuss whether the researcher states questions that were  answerable given the researcher’s expertise, time, and resources.
  • Locus of Control (1 point): Discuss the locus of control and whether the area of focus was within the researcher’s locus of control.
  • Data Collection (1 point): Describe the data collection  techniques and whether the researcher used appropriate data collection  techniques to answer the study’s research questions (e.g., qualitative  and/or quantitative). Include support from the literature in your  description.
  • Ethics (1 point): Describe the ethical challenges the researcher faced and how they were resolved.
  • Reflective Stance (1.5 points): Explain the ways the  action research effort contributed to the researcher’s reflective stance  on the ways teaching and learning are viewed.
  • Action (0.5 point): Describe the actions that resulted from the study.
  • Action-Data Connection (1.5 points): Describe how the proposed action connects to the study’s data analysis and interpretation.
  • Reflection - Learning (0.5 point): Describe what you  learned from this study and the process of evaluating it, considering  what insight this researcher gave you indirectly regarding the process  of action research.
  • Reflection – Application (0.5 point): Describe what you have taken away from this experience for use in your Final Project in this course.

 Written Communication
The assignment needs to adhere to the following areas for written communication.

  • Page Requirement (0.25 point): The assignment must be three to five pages, not including title and references pages.
  • APA Formatting (0.25 point): Use APA formatting consistently throughout.
  • Syntax and Mechanics (0.25 point): Display meticulous  comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling  and grammar. Your written work should contain no errors and be very  easy to understand.
  • Source Requirement (0.25 point): Use no less than three  scholarly sources in addition to the sample action research report,  which may be your course textbooks. All sources on the reference page  need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.

Review and Submit the Assignment
Review your assignment with the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. to  be sure you have achieved the distinguished levels of performance for  each criterion. Next, submit the assignment to the course room for  evaluation no later than day 7 of the week.

Field of study: 
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