Discuss the situations in which you believe you may now be or could be less competent, situations that could require you to make a professional referral. Discuss how you would make a referral and what you would say to your client. You can create a scenario of your choice with a client in which you need to make this referral. When discussing this scenario, address (1) the background and presentation of the client, (2) your working relationship with the client to date, and (3) why the referral is essential and ethically significant in this scenario. Using the Internet, research your professional code of ethics for examples related to conflicts and the need to refer your client or case out. Your initial post should be at least 300 words in length. Respond to at least two of your classmates by Day 7.
Understanding Limits
As the field of psychology and
other disciplines has continued to expand, opportunities to engage in multiple
professional activities have also increased. At the same time, this abundance
of opportunities also presents ongoing challenges requiring an understanding of
personal limits. To rise above these challenges, we as professionals need to
understand their limits and apply this understanding to professional situations
that we encounter.
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