BIO 100 What famous author or scientists made the following three quotes?

Week #1: BIO 100

Power Point #1 Questions – 13 points total


1. What famous author or scientists made the following three quotes?

a)      The best scientists are continually trying to prove themselves wrong”                                   

b)      The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds the most discoveries, is not "Eureka! I found it!” but "That's funny……”

c)       “A fact is a simple statement that everyone believes.  It is innocent, unless found guilty.  A hypothesis is a novel suggestion that no one wants to believe.  It is guilty, until found effective. ”

2. Pick one of the three quotes above and in a short paragraph, defend why you agree or disagree with the statement.(2 points)


3. What is the difference between methods scientists use to “know” about the world and other methods of “knowing” ?


4. Where do hypotheses come from? (Hint: see slide #9!)(.5 point)



5. What type of reasoning uses generalizations to form a hypothesis? (Inductive or deductive) (.5 point)

6. What type of reasoning uses “if …..then….” statements to form a prediction? (Inductive or deductive? (.5 point)


 7.What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory? (.5 point)


8. What is the difference between dependent and independent variables?(.5 point)


9. What is the purpose of a control in an experiment? (.5 point)


10. What three assumptions does science make?(2 points)


11. Complete the activities on slide #19.(2 points)

a)      Attach 3 websites that address this issue.

b)       How does each website differ?

c)        Which site do you trust the most and why?



12. Complete the activities on slide #20.(2 points)

a)      Attach 3 websites that address this issue.

b)       How does each website differ?

c)        Which site do you trust the most and why?






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