Writing and evaluating goals seem simple, but they are often not done well in organizations. The press of time, previous habits, and little concern about the attributes of a goal statement are reasons goals are often poorly constructed. A number of guidelines should be followed in preparing goals.
1.A well-presented goal statement contains four elements:
a. An action or accomplishment verb.
b. A single and measurable result.
c. A date of completion.
d. A cost in terms of effort, resources, or money, or some combination of these factors.
2.A well-presented goal statement is short; it is not a paragraph, but should be presented in a sentence.
3.A well-presented goal statement specifies only what and when and doesn’t get into how or why.
4.A well-presented goal statement is challenging and attainable. It should cause the person to stretch his or her skills, abilities, and efforts.
5.A well-presented goal statement is meaningful and important. It should be a priority item.
6.A well-presented goal statement must be acceptable to you so that you will try hard to accomplish the goal. The goal statement model should be:
To (action or accomplishment verb) (single result) by (a date—keep it realistic) at (effort, use of what resource, cost).
An example for a production operation:
To reduce the production cost per unit of mint toothpaste by at least 3 percent by March 1, at a changeover of equipment expense not to exceed $45,000.
Examine the next four statements that are presented as goal statements. Below each goal, write a critique of the statement. Is it a good goal statement? Why? Discuss your viewpoints in the class group discussion.
1.To reduce my blood pressure to an acceptable level.
2.To make financial investments with a guaranteed minimum return of at least 16 percent.
3.To spend a minimum of 45 minutes a day on a doctor-approved exercise plan, starting Monday, lasting for six months, at no expense.
4.To spend more time reading nonwork-related novels and books during the next year.
1. Think of the initial impressions you formed of Foxconn as you read the case. To what degree did stereotyping influence your thoughts? How much did additional information about the firm change your initial impressions?
2. While the manual labor of assembling electronics is challenging for Foxconn employees, the workers may also face the emotional burden of being away from family and isolation from the outside world. How might management recognize and help employees constructively cope with these challenges and emotions?
3. How has Foxconn engaged in impression management? Have their efforts been successful?