· Additional barriers, strategies and resources that emerged during the session (written in a different colour).
· A fourth column that includes a review and reflection on the goals listed in Assessment 1 - updated at least once a week (written in a different colour).
· Changes based on feedback received in Assessment 1 (written in a different colour)
My updated Learning Plan Template – Assessment 3
Learning Goals (Same goals listed in Assessment 1, unless asked to change them) I would like to… |
Learning Barriers (What has stopped me from achieving my goals? Add in new ones) List barriers |
Strategies and Resources (Actions to help you achieve your goals. Add in new ones) I did…. |
Review and Reflection (What worked well? What did not work well? How did I overcome my barriers? What did I learn? What next?) This strategy worked because…. I overcame my barriers by…. In future, I will…… |
Task 2. Reflective report (25% out of 45%)
Write a reflective report on your learning experiences in this unit with recommendations about your future learning in your discipline.
Ensure that you include at least 2 academic references from myReadings,cited correctly in either Harvard or APA 6th edition.
The report will include a title page after the cover sheet and will then have the following headings:
· Table of Contents
· Introduction
· Next headings selected to match your learning goals.Some examples are:
o Time management development
o Academic writing development
o Academic integrity knowledge and skills
o Growth Mindset Development
· Conclusion
· Recommendations
· References
· Appendix – Final learning plan
Putting task 1 and task 2 together
· Update learning plan as per Task 1.
· Write the reflective report (Task 2) inserting the learning plan in the Appendix.
· Combine the coversheet, your reflective report, and learning plan into a single file and submit to TURNITIN.
Assessment 3 Marking criteria
High Distinction (HD) |
Distinction (D) |
Credit (C) |
Pass (P) |
Fail (F) |
Report Concepts 8 points |
Demonstrates an excellent understanding of unit content and how to apply them in your discipline. |
Demonstrates a very good understanding of unit content and how to apply them in your discipline. |
Shows a good understanding of unit content and how to apply them in your discipline. |
Shows a developing understanding of unit content and how to apply them in your discipline. |
Shows little or no understanding of unit content and how to apply them in your discipline. |
Reflection &Critique
10 points |
All reflections clearly describe growth. Evidence of a very strong ability to self-assess and aligns with learning plan. Clear recommendations for the future. |
Most of the reflections describe growth, and include goals. Evidence of a sound ability to self-assess and clearly aligns with learning plan. Very good recommendations for the future. |
Some of the reflections describe growth, and include goals. Evidence of the ability to self-assess and mostly aligns with learning plan. Some recommendations for the future. |
A few of the reflections describe growth, and include goals. Evidence of an adequate ability to self-assess with some alignment with learning plan, Very few recommendations for the future, |
The reflections do not describe growth or include goals. Does not have the ability to self-assess with no alignment with learning plan. No recommendations for the future. |
Overall Presentation
3 points |
The structure of the report is logical and flows smoothly. The writing is engaging with very well constructed sentences. There are no grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Adheres to the word limit and formatting requirements. |
The structure of the report is clear and flows well. The writing is mostly engaging with clearly constructed sentences. Occasional minor grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Adheres to the word limit and formatting requirements. |
The structure of the report is satisfactory and generally flows well. The writing lacks originality. Sentencepartially well-constructed,Some grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Adheres to the word limit and formatting requirements. |
The structure of the report is passable, but confusing at times. Writing is not always connected with some poorly constructed sentences. There are frequent grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. May not adhere to the word limit, but adheres to most formatting requirements. |
The report lacks a clear sense of direction with awkward sentence structures. There are a significant number of grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. May not adhere to the word limit or formatting requirements. |
Report Referencing 4 points |
Uses the stipulated sources. Referencing is used correctly. |
Uses the stipulated sources. Mainly accurate use of referencing. |
Uses the stipulated sources. There are some errors in the referencing. |
May not use all of the stipulated sources. Adequate use of referencing. |
May not use all of the stipulated sources. Unsatisfactory use of referencing. |
High Distinction (HD) |
Distinction (D) |
Credit (C) |
Pass (P) |
Fail (F) |
Learning Plan Content 14 points |
Excellent identification of relevant learning goals. Barriers, strategies, and resources are clearly aligned to the goals. There is strong evidence of modification of learning plan due to ongoing review. |
Very good identification of relevant learning goals. Barriers, strategies, and resources are clearly aligned to the goals and are realistic. There is clear evidence of modification of learning plan due to ongoing review. |
Good identification of relevant learning goals. Barriers, strategies, and resources are mostly aligned to the goals and are mostly realistic. There is some evidence of modification of learning plan due to ongoing review. |
There is some identification of relevant learning goals. Some barriers, strategies, and resources are aligned to the goals and are realistic. There is limited evidence of modification of learning plan due to ongoing review. |
There is little or no identification of relevant learning goals. Most barriers, strategies, and resources are not aligned to the goals and are not realistic. There is no evidence of modification of learning plan due to ongoing review. |
Learning Plan
Presentation 6 points |
Clearly written. There are no grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Adheres to formatting requirements. |
Clearly written. There are very few grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Adheres to formatting requirements. |
Writing is mostly clear. There are a few grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. Mostly adheres to formatting requirements. |
Writing is not always clear. There are some grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. May not adhere to formatting requirements. |
Writing is not clear. There are several grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors. May not adhere to formatting requirements. |