Explain what the idea of wrestling with God means for
Jews. The textbook refers to the story
from Genesis chapter 32 in which Jacob is renamed Israel. Go beyond this story to explain how wrestling
with “God and others” over the meaning of Torah plays out in the lives of
Jewish people. What kind of activities
might count as manifesting this interpretive struggle? And why should we include these activities in
the notion of a “higher calling” for Jews?
In what sense is this image of wrestling as an ongoing struggle
emblematic of what it means to be Jewish?
(that is, what it means to be Israel)
2 pages, typed and double-spaced.
Please write from your won word No other sources needed other than the book
Text: Religions of the West Today (fourth edition), by Esposito, Fasching, and Lewis
This book is available in the WOU Bookstore
“Hence in Rabbinic Judaism there is no higher calling than to wrestle with God and others over the meaning of God’s Torah.” (RWT, p. 85)
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