COMN 1200 Small Group Experience & Outlook Essay

For this short reflective assignment/paper, you will reflect on your own small group experiences and outlooks. This paper is intended to help you, and me, better understand what your past experiences are in relation to working in small groups. This assignment/paper is also intended to help you better grasp onto what you would like to get out of the class and identify where you are at in terms of knowledge about small group communication. Finally, this assignment serves to help you express how your identity and experiences may be valuable and enriching to a small group environment. There is a place for everyone in a team and everyone is a valuable aspect of a group.


Assignment Directions & Outline

This assignment should be double spaced and in times new roman font. APA formatting should be utilized. This means including a title page. See the syllabus for APA resources. Please do not use sources. This assignment is for reflective purposes only. You will need to address the following prompts:

1)      (1 page): A brief introduction and reflection of your past experiences in groups.

                                                    (25 points)


2)      (1 page): A discussion surrounding what your assumptions are about working in small groups.

                                                    (25 points)


3)      (1 page): A discussion surrounding how your identity would be valuable to a group. What makes you standout? What makes you who you are? How would these aspects of the self play out in a group setting? Be descriptive here. 

                                                    (25 points)


4)      (1/2-1 page): A brief conclusion on what you hope to learn from this class.

                                                    (25 points)


*The page requirements are enforced when I am grading. Points will be lost for incorrect APA* formatting & if you do not meet the page requirements. This is meant to teach you how to be concise in your writing. APA is also valuable in many disciplines, especially communication

studies. Have fun! I am excited to hear about your experiences and how you will make a wonderful group/team member.

Field of study: 


Small Team and Group Experience Paper

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