Larry Bodine took the following quotes from the book, “The Essential Little Book of Great Lawyering”. Choose one of the quotes, and by making specific reference (events and/or quotes) to the movie, examine how the character’s actions in A Civil Action either prove or disprove the quote you chose.
- Good lawyers are in the courts changing the law. Great lawyers are in the street changing society.
- Good lawyers are reasonably comfortable in most settings. Great lawyers project confidence, but not arrogance or pride, in any setting, including the courtroom.
- Good lawyers are thought of as “capable,” and expected to do a good job. Great lawyers own the client’s problem and engender a belief that they will do everything possible to help the client succeed at their goal.
- Good lawyers care about clients. Great lawyers are loyal to them.
- Good lawyers treat the client professionally. Great lawyers personalize the relationship by recognizing the needs of the individuals involved.
- Good lawyers go to law school to practice law. Great lawyers go to law school to make a difference.
- Good lawyers are compassionate. Great lawyers act on their compassion.
- Good lawyers know the law. Great lawyers know the judge.
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