Ethics and value

·         All work submitted requires a Title Page with your Name(s) and all work must be 5-6 pages, typed (plus References), 1.5 spacing, 12-point font (Arial or Times New Roman).

·         Please number your pages and staple double-sided hard copy


·         Apply ethical theories/concepts/terms learned in class up to and including Chapter 3 in textbook to a business case.

·         Case from Business Ethics textbook: Global McEthics: should McDonald’s ethics be standardized across the globe? (p. 38-42)


You must also draw upon research from other sources of information to learn more about company and its ethical issues. Minimum 4 additional sources. Simply list the additional sources on a page titled References at end of paper (use APA guidelines – in-text citations not required).

Your written submission must include the following headings:


- 2-3 paragraph summary of the company and the key ethical issue(s) faced domestically and globally. Be sure to draw upon information collected from research and not just information contained in the text.

Short answer questions - Answer all five questions from below

1.      Why is business ethics important in this case/company?

2.      Who are the key stakeholders and what does it mean to say we should take account of the interests of stakeholders in business decisions? Reference the specific stakeholders you deem most relevant (at least 3) to the case and how they are impacted. Give some examples of indirect stakeholders using the network model of stakeholder theory.

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3.      Explain how globalization is a key context for business ethics in the case? What are the ethical implications of globalization, both positive and negative? Incorporate theories of ethical absolutism, ethical relativism and ethical pluralism.

4.      Some believe that business is just about winning, about making a profit, and therefore any legal means to this end are fair. Speak to this argument in contrast to the concepts of sustainability, corporate social responsibility and corporate citizenship?

5.      What are three key lessons that you learned from case relating to business ethics.

Applicable ethical theories/concepts/terms

·         -  Throughout short answers, it is important to actively apply key ethical theories/concepts/terms from your textbook and relate to case and answers. Highlight these in bold.

·         -  It is useful to include definitions or descriptions for each theory/concept/term when used e.g. morality, ethical dilemma, accountability, utilitarianism etc.

·         -  Aim to appropriately use and apply at least 15 ethics-related theories/concepts/terms throughout paper (in addition to those highlighted in short answer questions).


Chapter 1 – Introducing Business Ethics

·         Business ethics – why important

·         Morality

·         Ethics

·         Ethical theories

·         Ethics and the law

·         Globalization vs. internationalization, liberalization, universalization, westernization

·         Race to the bottom

·         Different regional approaches to business ethics

·         Sustainability

·         Triple-bottom line


Chapter 2 – Framing Business Ethics: Corporate Responsibility, Stakeholders, and Citizenship

·         Milton Friedman position on business ethics

·         Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

·         Carroll’s four-part model of CSR

·         Traditional vs. Contemporary CSR

·         Stakeholder

·         Stakeholder theory of firm

·         Network model of stakeholder theory

·         3 different forms of stakeholder theory: normative stakeholder theory; descriptive stakeholder theory; instrumental stakeholder theory

·         Corporate accountability

·         Transparency

·         Corporate citizenship – limited view; equivalent view; extended view


Chapter 3 – Evaluating Business Ethics: Normative Ethical Theories

·         Ethical theories

·         Normative ethical theories

·         Religious ethics

·         Ethical absolutism

·         Ethical relativism

·         Ethical pluralism

·         Traditional ethical normative theories – non-consequentialist vs. consequentialist ethics

·         Major normative theories – egoism; utilitarianism; ethics of duties; rights & justice

·         Act utilitarianism vs. Rule utilitarianism

·         Problems with utilitarianism

·         Categorical Imperative – consistency; human dignity; universality

·         Human Rights

·         Justice

·         Alternative ethical theories – virtue ethics; feminist ethics; discourse ethics; postmodern ethics

ment: Culture change approach; Cultural learning

Field of study: 
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