ITEC 630 Information Systems Analysis, Modeling, and Design

How to create a timeline in Project Created by Daniel Le Revised by Daniel Le 08/02/2016

Learning objectives 1. Define and create milestone tasks. 2. Create summary tasks to outline a task list and subtasks. 3. Learn how to create a graphical timeline you can share with stakeholders

Overview This video “How to create a timeline in Project” shows how to communicate with people about what is going on in the project. Especially, it is an effective way to communicate to stakeholders. Please watch the video and follow its instructions to complete required class exercises.

YouTube Video Office 15-Minute Webinar: How to create a timeline in Project

To Do List • Open the “02.MSP.2013.mpp” project file and save it as “03.MSP.2013.mpp” • Follow step-by-step instructions in the video “Office 15-Minute Webinar: How to create a timeline in Project” to modify and then save the project file “03.MSP.2013.mpp” • Submit the “03.MSP.2013.mpp” project file in the Microsoft Project folder for credit

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