Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment worksheet

Complete the Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Worksheet.


All of the material in this assignment is for clinical psychology. Assessment , diagnosis, and treatment must be relate only to psychology. This is not for a medical/physical assessment. Do not discuss any other form of assessment. Follow the rubric. Students generally find that the rubric is an outline for the organization of the paper. WORD COUNT = 150- 200. No penalty if you go over 200. Use complete sentences. Use correct grammar and spelling. Focus on the key elements of each section. Don't get side tracked with information that does not relate to the assignment. Be specific regarding your description of a clinical assessment, diagnosis, and treatment plan. Include details. Point out the essential pieces of the three parts of the assessment. The text discusses these 3 major elements very clearly. Give specific examples. NO DIRECT QUOTATION. Paraphrase any of the materials you use (ie., text book, articles) Reference all of your sources. Keep in mind, this is an academic assignment and needs to be presented in a professional manner.

..... YOUR PAPER MUST HAVE A TITLE PAGE. Avoid deductions - have a title page.

..... SUBMIT YOUR PAPER TO TURNITIN (Directions on syllabus page).

..... SUBMIT THE TURNITIN REPORT - Avoid deductions - submit the report

Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Worksheet

NAME __________________________________________

Complete the following table.

Description Minimum of 300+ words for each section) CLINICAL ASSESSMENT

Define and describe the three specific elements of a psychological clinical assessment. Provide detailed descriptions for each of the three elements. The 3 elements for tis section do not include diagnosis and treatment.


Define and describe the specific elements of a psychological diagnosis. Focus only on the diagnostic process. Provide details. Do not discuss a specific disorder.


Define and describe the elements of a psychological treatment plan. Focus only on the development of a treatment plan. Be specific; provide details. Do not discuss a specific disorder.

Answer the following questions in a minimum of 200+ words for each..

4. Describe the structure of the newly revised DSM-5 classification system. Explain the specific role of the DSM-5 in the clinical assessment, the diagnosis, and the treatment plan).

5. What is a specific individual example of a clinical disorder that you have observed in in your own community, family, or acquaintance? Be specific; describe the situation. This must be a DSM-5 disorder, not social justice, community issues like homelessness, or a criminal situation (unless the crime was committed by someone with a mental disorder).

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Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment worksheet

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