Résumé and Application Letter

This week, you are tasked to write your Résumé and an Application Letter targeted toward a technical writing position in a business or organization similar to the one created for the portfolio project.

Writing a quality résumé and accompanying application letter is a process of self-reflection and self-promotion. You need to accurately represent yourself, celebrate your accomplishments, and demonstrate your abilities and experience, but you do not want to oversell yourself.

Using either the Functional or Searchable Résumé format from our textbook (pp. 309-311), craft your résumé as if you are seeking a position as a technical writer.

Then, write a letter of application using either the format on page 314 or page 315 of our textbook.

Once you have completed these documents, combine them into a single document with your letter first and your résumé second, and submit this single document to the week four drop box.

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