Instructions for Part 2-
You will submit a Nutrient Intake Report for each day(3 days total). Please export the report as a pdf file for each day and save the file with file name as follows (last name day 1- example- WhalenDay1). You will upload each of these files in the Part 2 portion of the assignment as well as the Data Table #2 that is part of this document. Once you open this document, you will then save it to your computer to fill out when ready and then submit. Each nutrient report is worth 15 points (total 45 points) and the Data Table #2 is worth 9 points for a total of 54 point for Part 2.
To input your food diary into Super Tracker, please follow these instructions:
1. Log into your profile that you completed during Week 4 at
2. Click on the “Food Tracker” link found under Track Food and Activity heading.
3. This next step will take you the longest and must be done for each separate day you recorded in your food diary so please make sure you use the calendar/date feature found in the top left side of the page. Once you have selected the correct date, you can then begin adding in your food items.
4. Once you begin searching for individual food items to add to your daily intake, you have the option of customizing your exact amount, type, cooking method, etc.. Please play around with this food search feature to familiarize yourself with everything. You can add in prepared food item nutrient information by clicking on “My Recipe” and searching for a similar food.
a. For example: if you eat a particular protein bar, just type in “protein bar”, find a similar match in the results, then click on customize to add in the specific food label information.
5. If you can’t find a specific food, please try to find something as close as possible to it in the search feature. Don’t leave anything out, including any beverages you consume.
6. Once you have input all your food/drink items for one day, then you will click on the “Nutrient Intake Report” link. You will find this under the graph, it is small so make sure you look for it. It will open the report in a separate window and give you the option of how to export it. You will choose to export the Nutrient report as a pdf file. Save this file with your last name and day of record. (ex- WhalenDay1). This is what you will submit to the Assignment folder three times(one for each day).
7. In addition to the food report, you will also need to look at the “View by Meal” link for each day. In this report you will find the information to complete the chart below.
8. You will scroll down to the “Food Groups” chart and record the amount of each food group eaten each day in the chart below. You will also need to fill in your “My Plan Target” amount as well. This is what you should have figured out from the chart in part 1. Finally you will need to calculate the average amount of each food group eaten to compare with your target amounts.
9. Once you have completed this chart(found below), you will submit (upload) it along with the nutrient charts to the Part 2 assignment folder. This part of the assignment is worth 9 points.
**Again, this portion of the project will take you awhile to find and add each food/drink item into your Food Tracker. Please make sure you allow yourself plenty of time to complete this part of the assignment and submit on time. **
***Please find the Data Table #2 below to complete for Part 2 of the project. You can save this last page as a separate file and upload when complete or just upload the entire document when complete. ***
Data Table #2- Individual Food Group Chart
Click on “View By Meal” to find the information needed to complete this chart. It is a small link next to the Nutrient Intake Report link. Scroll down to “Food Groups” to find the information needed. Make sure you label each amount properly (cups, oz, tsp, etc…). You can save just this page or the entire document to upload to Part 2 of the assignment along with your Nutrient Reports. Please save this with your last name and food groups (example- Whalenfoodgroups).
Food Group |
My Plan Target (from part 1) |
Day 1 Eaten |
Day 2 Eaten |
Day 3 Eaten |
Average Eaten |
Grains |
Vegetables |
Fruits |
Dairy |
Protein foods |
Oils |