EN361 Wekk 1 Discussions

Question B

Based on what you have learned this week through your readings, what makes communication technical? Even more specifically, what makes a piece of written communication technical writing? In your response, use terminology from the readings and provide examples that might help the class to better understand this distinction.

Question C

After reading about the portfolio project, what ideas do you have for a mock business or organization? Share them with your classmates so they can help you brainstorm some of these ideas. You will need to make a decision for the assignment this week, so take advantage of any help you can get.


The Portfolio Project: Stage One

Throughout the course, you will be tasked with creating a mock business or organization, and crafting technical documents around your subject. You are encouraged to have fun with this project, but make sure you choose something you are willing to work with throughout the duration of the course.

As you work, you will be compiling a portfolio of each of your projects, adding to it week by week, with the completed portfolio due in the final week of the course.

Though we will not be approaching this project linearly (meaning not in order), your final portfolio should be organized in the following way:

1.    A cover page with a unique title and appropriate visual elements (suggest working on this throughout the course)

2.    An abstract (100-150 words) describing the contents of your portfolio (to be completed by week eight)

3.    A table of contents (suggest completing this as you progress through the course)

4.    Reader Analysis Chart (assigned week one)

5.    Letters of Introduction (assigned week two)

6.    Project Proposal (assigned week three)

7.    Analytical Report (assigned week five)

8.    Visual Representation of Data (assigned week six)

9.    Code of Ethics (assigned week seven)

10. Your résumé with application letter (assigned week four)



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