Journal Assignment—Part 1
After reviewing the Practicum Weekly Resources, record a response to the following in your Journal:
- In each of the articles, four areas are highlighted as relevant and needing action for the effective growth of the field of informatics—leadership, education, practice, and policy. For each of these areas, identify specific ways that you personally can make an impact. (See articles below in required resources list)
Journal Assignment—Part 2
Note: Each week, you are responsible for locating a scholarly journal article in the Walden Library related to your area(s) of interest. Include in your Journal the reference in proper APA format and provide a brief summary of the article. (See Below and attached PDF file)
Dowding, D. (2015). Using Health Information Technology to Support Evidence-Based Practice. Worldviews On Evidence-Based Nursing / Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society Of Nursing, 12(3), 129-130. doi:10.1111/wvn.12093
Journal Assignment—Part 3
Practicum Onsite Visits
Summarize the key activities of your visits to your Practicum site (as appropriate), including with whom you met, what you did, and what you gained from the experience.
Practicum Weekly Resources
HIMSS Position Statement Talking Point. (2011). Transforming nursing through technology and informatics. Retrieved from
This article provides recommendations for achieving health care delivery transformation. Specifically, the article recommends actions to be taken in the domains of leadership, education, practice, and policy.
HIMSS Position Statement. (2011). Transforming nursing through technology and informatics. Retrieved from
The authors of this position statement draw attention to the need for transforming health care by improving the current regulatory, business, and organizational conditions. The statement identifies actions that should be taken on the part of academia, government, businesses, health care organizations, professional associations, consumers, and the insurance industry.
Sugrue, M. (2011). Informatics’ role in the future of nursing: Health IT and health professional organizations at the crossroad. Journal of Healthcare Information Management, 25(3), 12–14. Retrieved from