Part Three: Analysis of Qualitative Data

Part Three:  Analysis of Qualitative Data

Below is an excerpt from an interview done with a college student named Chris.  It was part of the same research project that led to the interview with John that we examined in Week 8 on VoiceThread.  Please read this excerpt carefully and:


A.)  Make note of at least four (4) of the concepts found in Chris’s interview by writing them into the transcript.  Please write the concepts into the transcript, right after the sentences where you think they apply.  Put parentheses around the words you put in and highlight them.  (20 points)


B.)  Then, choose one (1) of the four concepts you named and write a few sentences that elaborate on the meaning that this has and what you think about Chris based on finding this concept in his discussion of his life at college.  Please put this below the box that contains Chris’s words. (10 points)


What you are thinking about here is the basic level of coding – open codes.



Note:  Chris talks about “the Union”.  That is the main student cafeteria on his college campus.



Ever since the summer, since I was with all these environmentalists, I started buying a lot of organic produce when I was in Hawaii.  I learned how to cook -- I never knew how to cook!

              In the beginning of the summer I found out I was allergic to rice, corn and beef.  I took the food allergy test.  Level 6 is the highest allergy, they insert these molecules in your blood system and they see if there’s a reaction, rise in white blood cell count.  So beef is about 3 out of 6 and my corn and rice are 2 out of 6, so it isn’t terrible but it still is something.  I eat them regularly… and if I eat level 2 and 1 all together it’s going to be super crazy and I can’t handle it.  Before this I would just eat everything. 

              So I feel calmer, like even when I’m stressed out I don’t feel as like my body can’t control, I have more control even when I don’t get enough sleep I can be more relaxed and calm.  That means I do a lot of cooking on my own and that takes a lot of time, grocery shopping, cooking, washing the dishes.

              The Union is not the best place in the world… I never volunteer to go to the Union.  I do try to buy ready-made so that I don’t spend so much time cooking and preparing because I do have a lot of work but it’s sometimes nice to relax and cook a little bit and also know what I’m eating because I have so many weird allergies.  I also like to eat organic produce.  I have a 4-cubic-foot fridge so it’s pretty hefty, pretty large.  I have food in there all the time.  I also have fresh fruit and cereal and soy milk in the morning, peanut butter or almond butter and whole grain, a lot of fiber… So that’s taking a lot of time. 



For Part A, you answers should be inserted in the text above.


Your Part B answer goes here:  


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