1. Should Old Spice attempt to compete with/respond to Dove for Men (DFM)? Should Old Spice go directly after DFM and be the first brand in the history of P&G to call out a competitor?
2. What product should the team advertise? Critically evaluate the options: a/continuing the Swagger campaign; b/ advertising Showtime; c/advertising the umbrella brand; d/focusing on body wash. Pick an option and develop a positioning message for that option (what should the brand say?)
3. In which media should the brand launch? Should Old Spice advertising during the Super Bowl in response to DFM’s planned appearance?
4. Should the brand consider a more traditional or unconventional media? If multiple media forms are used, should they be launched sequentially or all at once?
1. What are the elements of the Detroit market that lead to success?
2. Is there truly enough disposable income in these “food-desert” communities to support a Whole Foods store without suburban shoppers?
3. Who are the key stakeholders in the case and what do they stand to gain or lose depending on Whole Foods’ store expansion strategy?
4. What should Whole Foods be more focused on, the communities it serves or the profits that allow the company to function? What should Whole Foods Market weigh more: social responsibility or corporate profitability?
5. What is the value proposition to Whole Foods in entering an underserved community?
6. How does the public relations boost of serving underprivileged areas counter the damage to the brand by catering to a population largely on food stamps?