This assignment represents Section 2 of the Marketing Plan. Use the Marketing Planguide to
identify the sections of the Marketing Plan and the marketing elements
contained therein. This assignment will focus on Section 2 – Marketing
Research & Target marketing (Module 2).
Section 2 – Market Research & Targeting (Module 2)
- Market Research
- Research Methods & Data Mining
- Market Research Process
- Consumer Behavior
- B2C vs. B2B
- Consumer Decision Making Process
- Factors Affecting B2C and B2B consumer behavior
- Market Segmentation
- Market Segmentation Concepts
- Segmentation Process
- Segmentation Strategies
- Target Marketing
Relate all responses using the WBC scenario and the product you have selected to market in Module 1.
a 4- to 6-page Word document for your Marketing Plan sections. Apply a
standard business writing style using the Market Planning Guide sections
as your (headers/ sub heads/ bullets) to your work. Be sure to cite
your work in the APA format.
Use the following file-naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M2_A2.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M2_A2.doc.