Define terms:
1. Attachment
2. Attachment Theory
3. Belief
4. Callousness
5. Castration Anxiety
6. Classical Conditioning
7. Cognitive Biases
8. Cognitive Distortions
9. Cognitive Schemas
10. Commitment
11. Crossover
12. Deterministic Cause
13. Ego
14. Experiential Learning
15. Grooming
16. Hormones
17. Id
18. Impulsivity
19. Involvement
20. Lack of Empathy
21. Narcissism
22. Neurotransmitters
23. Operant Conditioning
24. Penis Envy
25. Personality Pathology
26. Probabilistic Cause
27. Psychosexual Development
28. Rape Myths
29. Sadism
30. Self-Regulation Model of Sexual Offending
31. Superego
32. Vicarious Learning
1. Discuss two broad categories of theories regarding sex crimes and sex offenders: (1) sex-crime/sex-offender specific and (2) crime in general.
2. Discuss several single-factor sex-crime/sex-offender specific theories: biological, behavioral, cognitive, and psychological.
3. Provide an overview of several multiple-factor sex-crime/sex-offender theories: precondition theory, quadripartite theory, and integrated theory.
4. Provide an overview of several criminological theories that have been relied upon to explain sex crimes/sex offenders: social control (bonding) theory, self-control theory, routine activity theory, and social learning theory.
5. Describe a logic model of sex-offender characteristics and behaviors.