Explore legal issues surrounding employee pay, benefits, and terms/conditions of employment. Write a paper, incorporating answers to Case questions 1 through 4 found at the end of the case summary. Your written work should include discussion of the situation, responses to the case questions, and any other questions that your instructor sends. Include your description of how the situation should have been handled. Explain the court's decision in the case. Do you agree? Support your position with additional research and analysis. Write your responses using correct grammar, APA citations, and analysis of the situation. As a guide, your paper should include 700-1000 words of content. Your title page, Certificate of Authorship and references do not count towards your word content. Do not rewrite the fact pattern in the case, just highlight any facts you determine are significant and impact your discussions (this should only be a paragraph). You will be graded on your analysis of the situation and how well you support your analysis with both the laws and the facts. Your analysis should be at a high level, meeting all content required in the assignment presented. All work should be completed following APA guidelines contained in the Publications Manual, 6th edition. Please ensure that your work is properly cited. A failure to properly cited sources may result in a grade reduction or a grade of zero. Question 1. What were the legal issues in this case? What did the court decide? Question 2. What was the basis for the court's conclusion that the plaintiff and her two male comparators engaged in equal work? Question 3. What factor other than sex is cited by the employer? Why is it not sufficient to avoid a trial? Question 4. What should the employer have done differently?
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