CSS120 Professional Communication/Call Center: Capstone ProjectPart 2

Part2. The Service DeskInterview. 

The capstone project is designed to be an active learning experience that brings together all of the concepts and techniques described in this textbook in a real-world setting. 

This project involves interviewing a Customer Service desk representative. There are a number of task required to be completed before securing an interview.

Identify three potential Interviewees

·         Name

·         Title

·         Contact Information

·         Business/ Company

Communication to the interviewee ahead of time is imperative to conducting a successful interview. Develop an introduction email correspondence, i.e. letter or memo:

A.      Introduce yourself

B.      Provide capstone project overview

C.      Request Interview with recommended dates

D.     Create a proposed timeline to schedule and complete the interview

Reference chapter 4 pages 161-168 for samples and tips.

Submit yourlist of interviewees and the email to the Capstone Project 2 Dropbox folder on D2L.

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