(Use back of quiz pages if necessary)
1. What were ancient Greek houses like? Were they beautiful? How were they
organized or what were some of the most important rooms? Were their
differences between male and female spaces in the house? Did men have more
freedom then women? (3 pts.)
2. What was the interior of the ancient Roman bath like? What did people do inside the
bath? How was it part of the general effort by the ancient Roman government to
keep the population happy and was the part of using “bread and circuses” to keep
people content? Are their other examples of using either buildings or other free
things to keep the populace happy? (4 pts.)
3. What was the interior of Roman houses like? What was the general arrangement
and how were the walls painted? What were these wall paintings like? (3 pts.)
4. Please describe ancient Roman apartment buildings. What were they like inside
and out? Why are they important to study when we look at the buildings of ancient
Rome? What was it like to live in these buildings(2 pts.)
5. What were the parts of a mosque? Please describe what the interior of a mosque
looks like and describe the important elements or building parts one might find inside
a mosque. Feel free to draw a mosque in the box below. (3 pts.) (You will have to
look this up)
6. What was Dura Europus? What kinds of buildings would we find in this city? (2 pts.)
7. Considering the images above of either baths or bathrooms, please give a short
history or some historical details of either the public bath or the bathroom. You do
not need to refer to these images in particular, they just might help you remember
details (3 pts.)
Field of study:
Date Due:
Wednesday, July 25, 2018