Resources: Internet, Governmental websites (city, state, or local agencies), Media, News articles Locate state or local government's project and the effect on the operating budget. Conduct research about a state or local government project, such as adding a building, park improvements, road improvements, or adding to or building of a new police station, and the related effects on the operating budget of the agency. Make a 10-15 minute Oral Presentation that includes the following: Introduction of team members, title of the project and main points your speech will cover. Describe and give brief overview of the agency. For example: size of community, size of agency, and agency responsibilities. Describe the type of government project Describe the implementation process Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the project on the agency operating budget Summarize your findings and make recommendations about the effects of capital projects on operating budgets Conclusions about the most interesting facts you learned as a result of doing this speech.