
MPH/510: Public Health Professional Practice

Wk 1 - Safer and Healthier Foods [due Mon]

Wk 1 - Safer and Healthier Foods [due Mon]


Assignment Content

  1. Read “From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Safer and healthier foods--1900-1999” from Week 1 University Library. This case study provides a historical overview of a group of related public health initiatives focused on the ways in which U.S. food production, supply, and delivery throughout the last century changed to improve population health by drastically reducing the risk of food borne infections and incorporating nutritional science.


    Read the suggested articles and write a 175- to 350-word reflection essay focusing on 1 initiative in the articles that discusses each of the following topics:

    • Methods used to improve food safety, such as setting maximum pesticide levels on food, were mentioned in this article. Describe any food safety problems and/or related initiatives listed in the article of which you were not previously aware.
    • In your opinion, which of the initiatives mentioned may have been voluntarily adopted by the food industry? Explain why.
    • Sometimes implementing tough regulations is necessary to achieve positive results. Which of these initiatives was likely to have experienced resistance to change from the industries involved? 


Field of study: 
Date Due: 
Tuesday, January 16, 2024


Safer and Healthier Foods

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