HSA 520 Final Exam 2 Exam 2 Prior to determining the appropriate HMIS that need to be implemented, it is necessary to identify the

Prior to determining the appropriate HMIS that need to be implemented, it is necessary to identify the:

qualifications of the programmers.

professional experiences of the data base managers.

type of decisions that are made.

type of database desired.


e-prescribing means:

to add focus to a health care organization's vision and mission.

to indicate the resources that are required and what needs to be done to achieve the mission of a healthcare organization's strategy.

a technique in which the difference between the desired performance levels and the extrapolated results of the current performance levels is measured and examined.

the use of electronic systems to assist and enhance the communication of a prescription, helping the administration, choice, or supply of a medicine through supporting clinicians' decisions with a thorough audit trail for the entire medicine's use process.


What does accountability mean?

The result of holding an individual responsible for delivering a set of goals, objectives, and/or tactics.

Focus on a healthcare organization's vision and mission. If the goal(s) is attained, the mission has been accomplished.

Used by health service organizations to facilitate viewing the organization differently and determining the organization information needs in order to build health management information systems.

Used in business system planning; the categories of the necessary data to support the organization for the application in question.


A structured interview should:

be very specific and focus on a specific problem area.

require the interviewer to act more as facilitator, allowing the participant to take the lead.

include follow-up probing questions to acquire additional detail.

allow for a free-flowing, comfortable conversation with only some direction.


Tools and techniques that are appropriate for one set of circumstances may not be appropriate for others. Which of the following does not need to be taken into consideration when choosing an appropriate methodology?

outside vendors





Of the following concepts, which describes "system development methodology tools"?

Combine to minimize effort and maximize coordination; enforce methodology rules and provide expertise to users.

Support systems development tools and techniques at any stage in the life cycle; do not necessarily enforce a methodology.

Provide support for software programmers and designers at the back end of the development life cycle.

Provide business system planning; the categories of the necessary data to support the organization for the application in question.


The business information analysis and integration technique (BIAIT) addresses top management requirements by:

using IT systems.

using "order-supplier" relations.

using a set of seven close-ended binary questions to generate a model that aids the analysts.

using software vendors


The revolutionary approach of prototyping contains the following major concept:

Applies programming tools and techniques in a new and revolutionary way; argues against traditional methodological mind-sets.

Applies focus to a healthcare organization's vision and mission. If the goal(s) is attained, the mission has been accomplished.

Adds an electronic version of patients' health records.

Holds an individual responsible for delivering a set of goals, objectives, and/or tactics.


Which of the following factors provide a primary challenge for accurate billing? 

the human factor


incorrect invoices

inadequate software uploads


How is business intelligence, a major component of data stewardship, defined?

This component is concerned with providing current, accurate, and consistent information whenever and wherever the data are accessed.

This is the physical aspect of handling or managing data from the point the data are collected to the point the data are used and archived.

This component has to do with controlling access to the data to ensure that not only are data available and retrievable to those who are supposed to access the data but the release of data is also securely guarded from those who are not supposed to have access to the data.

This component has to do with utilizing the data to yield better, more complete, and more usable information. 


Which of the following may be considered the number-one priority when designing, implement, and evaluating HMIS?

the "physical" aspect of programming

data analysis

high-quality data

database software


How is security, a major component of data stewardship, defined?

This component is concerned with providing current, accurate, and consistent information whenever and wherever the data are accessed.

This is the physical aspect of handling or managing data from the point the data are collected to the point the data are used and archived.

This component has to do with controlling access to the data to ensure that not only are data available and retrievable to those who are supposed to access the data but the release of data is also securely guarded from those who are not supposed to have access to the data.

This component has to do with utilizing the data to yield better, more complete, and more usable information.


Aside from user characteristics, systems design characteristics also play an important role in determining the eventual HMIS acceptability, and one of these primary characteristics is:

organizational structure and power.

the characteristics of information and decision-making support provided to the user.

top management support.

organizational culture.


What is one drawback of hiring outside consultants for project management?

lack of knowledge depth of experienced current personnel

the need for a fresh look from an external perspective

time required for education can be counter-productive

the need for an unbiased perspective


HMIS implementation often carries with it great expectations. It is not unusual, for instance, to find that many end-users who have little or no direct involvement with system development become disappointed with the final results of HMIS implementation because the:

end product does not match their expectations.

return on investment (ROI) is higher than expected.

health maintenance organizations (HMOs) are participating.

demand on print materials is high.


The critical path of a project is the:

knowledge depth of experienced current personnel.

sequence of activities that will take the longest period to complete.

most important path of determination.

unbiased perspective.


Program coding, or simply programming, refers to the:

software that is installed in a CPU.

software that comes with an operation system.

process of writing instructions that the computer system can execute directly.

process of creating documents in a Microsoft Office software package.


Out of the following list, which is not a reason that underpins the slow automation of medical records?

electronic health records (EHR)

widespread use of narrative text

lack of standardized vocabulary

lack of relevant taxonomic code schemes


What are CSS: Cascading Style Sheets used for?

A markup language that allows you to define your own elements.

A mechanism for changing the appearance of HTML or XML.

Used on the Web for adding structure to text documents.

Allows the full power and interactivity of a scripting language.


The World Wide Web (WWW) differs from the Internet in that it essentially is:

a made up nickname by its programmers.

a consortium of interested members.

not used much now since the Internet has taken over in popularity.

a set of software protocols that resides on the network or the Internet and that allows easy access of information for the end-user.


What is Extensible Markup Language (XML) used for?

A markup language that allows you to define your own elements.

A mechanism for changing the appearance of HTML or XML.

Used on the Web for adding structure to text documents.

Allows the full power and interactivity of a scripting language.


Legal barriers to e-health adoption are:

due to the problems including infrastructure, standardization, compatibility, reliability, and capacity.

due to an overwhelming list of key issues that include confidentiality and security, patients' right of access, data protection, and duty of care.

due to differences among nations around the world that make it almost impossible to ensure that a specific e-health application would be acceptable similarly across various societies and cultures.

due to the fact that some nations still find it difficult to acquire the necessary infrastructure and their citizens still lack basic necessities such as water, food, housing, and basic education.

How does the World Bank primarily contribute to the development of healthcare globalization?

through amassing great amounts of money

through banking services fees

through knowledge dissemination

through interbank transactions and relationships


E-health is considered to be a service with positive externalities that will bring values to the society. The positive externalities of e-health can be derived from two major sources:

short-term and long-term decisions.

ICT and health care.

programmers at middle and higher levels of the organization.

frameworks and the adoption model.


Tele-monitoring, one of the major current categories of telemedicine, refers to:

consistently monitoring patients even after they are discharged.

being able to access and retrieve information and knowledge anywhere, anytime.

health services and information delivered or enhanced through the Internet and related technologies.

specialists providing assistance to the surgeons from a remote location.


What is the best mitigation approach for the barrier identified for effective HMIS use and diffusion referred to as: clinicians and system users not involved in the process of design and selection?

expanding medical education to include clinically related IT, making the systems user-friendly and integrating them into the daily work flow; informal communication networks, physicians networks

on-site or off-site training to be provided to the end-user

involvement of the end-user in the HMIS design phase

integrating HMIS in the financial models


A complex adaptive system may be conceived as one that typically comprises:

a small number of interacting parts.

externally organized.

interactively a simple system.

a large number of interacting parts.


What is the best mitigation approach for the barrier identified for effective HMIS use and diffusion referred to as: lack of training, lack of access to the structured knowledge and criteria regarding the system capabilities and implementation processes?

expanding medical education to include clinically related IT, making the systems user-friendly and integrating them into the daily work flow; informal communication networks, physicians networks

on-site or off-site training to be provided to the end-user

involvement of the end-user in the HMIS design phase

integrating HMIS in the financial models


What are primary barriers for innovation diffusion in the healthcare sector wearable monitoring device technology?

battery life; privacy and security; invisibility and social acceptance; usability; language barriers; fragmented data standards

technology barrier; business barriers

cost; infrastructure; wireless network; security; global standards; RF impact

requires an extensive understanding and reworking of the fundamental organizational service processes; interoperability; start-up costs; legal issues, economic interests; privacy standards; language barrier


What are primary benefits of the clinical decision support systems?

Increases the quality of patient care, improves a hospital's overall operation, and reduces costs.

Provides just-in-time reminders to clinicians at the point of care, consistent with latest evidence-based medicine guidelines.

Assist with diagnosing a patient's condition, drug dosage; procedures administering reminders to patients.

Digitize patient information for decision support.


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