HSA 520 Exam 1

An information-inquiring culture has transparent

information discovery.

Core values.

direct reports.

accounting and finances.


The genesis of Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) goes back to the roots of numerous areas, including:

computing privacy.

information economics

multidimensional data sets.

medical policies.


The majority of computerized patient record systems have capabilities to reject invalid data with the use of techniques including:

batched totals and range checks.

mechanically processed coded data.

data integrity.

patient demographics.


A healthcare services organization may develop or adopt various types of cultures, including:

an information-functional culture

an information-secrecy culture.

an information-blast culture.

an information-hording culture.






Because it is an art form, motivation requires that the CIO have special skills and elevated expertise, including:

turning over goal setting responsibilities to the employees.

allowing employees to position specific individuals in the appropriate spaces throughout the organization.

being as specific as possible when detailing the goals and objectives for their employees.

assuming staff will institute a collaborative spirit with a strong sense of team belonging.       


The executive largely responsible for articulating the organizational vision and mission is the:






Growth strategies, in the form of product and market development, mergers, acquisitions, and/or internal ventures,  are aggressively followed when:

retrofitting the organizational strengths and internal capabilities is desired.

the healthcare organization’s internal resources and competencies serve identified market opportunities readily.

when outsourcing of digital imaging services is desired.

the existing healthcare organizational business portfolio is threatened.


One of the most important steps that an effective CEO/CIO should take is:

realizing the morale of the organization is set and is inviolate.

sharing of insights freely and encourages employees to collaborate.

limiting the circle of influence to keep control where it is mostly required.

giving up the power of controlling others.








Real-world HMIS practices:

can be learned by reading cases in textbooks.

are not necessary for learning.

can be learned by reading published theories.

are not easily replicated.


The Internet is not void of particular weaknesses for underrepresented population information, such as:

fragmentation of health information.

verifiable facts.

credible sources.

wealth of information.


Intranets and extranets are:

extensions of the Internet concept.

data distribution spreadsheets.

data transfer protocals.

systems for user identification.


The 2006 Pew Internet and American Life Project survey found that the following users seek health information online in the United States:

1 of 10

5 of 10

8 of 10

10 of 10


The digital divide stands to affect:


health quality.

myriad online activities.

information associations.


SCM ensures readily available access to:

order tracking.

return on investment (ROI).

health maintenance organizations (HMOs).

demand printing.


Customer relationship management (CRM) software must be designed with the following in mind.

An in-depth recognition of its customers' specific needs.

Strategic communication is for different types of software.

Enhancement of existing programs and services.

Creative services that would progress and fulfill the organizational long-term goals.


How can ERP software be used to facilitate data integration?

Maintaining separate processes as previously developed.

Using insurance companies to sort it out.

Amalgamating existing business processes in an organization.

Using health professional associations.


In the same context as the assembly of isolated legacy systems into an integrated system with real-time access of different views (allowing decisions to be made intelligently across the enterprise) is the idea of:

keeping manual follow-up procedures.

reducing, or possibly eliminating, all paper-based forms for which healthcare services organizations are especially vulnerable.

keeping paper-based forms as a back-up record.

eliminating electronic order processing.








The rapid advancements of e-commerce and managed care placed new demands on the healthcare industry in the 1990s to:

establish information infrastructures that work with the Foxfire browser.

establish information infrastructures that facilitate timely and interoperable patient formation.

establish information that works with Internet explorer (IE).

establish information that does not contain firewalls.


For practice management systems delivered from private healthcare organizations and hospitals, electronic billing and patient scheduling are being developed for numerous benefits, including:

keeping manual follow-up procedures.

reducing, or possibly eliminating, all paper-based forms for which healthcare services organizations are especially vulnerable.

increase the accuracy of billing/coding.

eliminating electronic order processing.


What is the ultimate and primary goal for the CHIN evolution and the RHINO movement?

Consumer privacy.

Internal policies.

The development of Health maintenance organizations (HMOs).

The establishment of a national health information network (NHIN).


One of the stated goals of HL7 collaboration is to:

develop coherent, extendable standards that permit structured, encoded healthcare information of the type required to support patient care.

sustain interoperability

enhance existing programs and services.

create services that would progress and fulfill the organizational long-term goals.







While the vision of EHR is theoretically possible, it is difficult to realize in practice. EHR would portray:

separate records held in each of the clinics or hospitals who saw the patient.

the configuration video display terminals (VDTs).

a lifetime record of every health encounter between the patient and all of his or her caregivers, regardless of which clinic or hospital the episode was recorded in.

computer output microfilm (COM) devices.


EHR will be one of the most costly project expenditures that a healthcare services organization will undertake, with regard to the investments of time and money and the resultant challenge of returns on investments (ROI). This is due to:

the significance of the returns to be realized from an EHR implementation remains a concern for many healthcare executives.

the program instructions provide the CPU with a working storage area.

two or more comparable healthcare services organizations combine to augment or preserve market power.

read-only memory (ROM) is shared.


Closely related to, and often functioning as part of, EHR, a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system is basically:

a competitive system within an amalgamation of systems.

an internal policies document approved by the Board of Directors.

automated order-entry system that captures the instructions of physicians with regard to the care of their patients.

information on research of prescription drugs.


Possible risks in trusting all your personal health records with a carrier such as Google Health include:

a network of stakeholders within a defined region who are committed to improving the quality, safety access, and efficiency of healthcare through the use of HIT.

information that could be sold to, or mined by, people from organizations that are unknown to the patient.

improved efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare services delivery.

a not-for-profit organization could safe keep your records.



Language interoperability challenges include:

operating system interoperability.

semantic differences.

data stored in different database platforms such as Microsoft SQL server.

different HMIS have been designed and developed by different IT providers.


With what primary challenge is interoperability primarily concerned?

The challenge of an infrastructure that works with the Internet Explorer (IE) browser.

The challenge of information that should be private from the patient.

The challenge of linking software and systems being developed and implemented with diverse platforms and languages when required information has to be shared conveniently and securely among multiple providers and users.

The challenge of information that does not contain firewalls or other protections.


Technically, most legacy systems were developed using different languages such as:

Java or Visual Basic.

Linux operating systems (OS).

Microsoft SQL server.

Macintosh operating systems (OS).


To support XML document processing, a variety of specifications and standards have
emerged, such as:

eXtensible Stylesheet Language (XSL).

computer output microfilm (COM) devices.


CORBA/CDOM, a traditional distributed middleware technology.









The Web service vision foresees a proliferation of services, which in turn requires the availability of:

public directories that can be used for the registration and finding of services.

an EHR implementation.

a  CPU with a working storage area.

two or more comparable healthcare services organizations.


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HSA 520 Exam 1

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