Destination Presentation

Before beginning this assignment, you should thoroughly review PowerPoint Presentation Creation; Enhancing Presentations with Pictures, Transitions, Objects, Backgrounds, and SmartArt from your course textbook, Go! All in one: Computer concepts and applications

For this assignment you will use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation about a place to which you have traveled or would like to travel.

  • Begin by opening a new Microsoft PowerPoint file.
  • Save it as LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A2.ppt.
  • The presentation should include at least six slides that could describe the location, the method of travel, the qualities of the location that make it interesting or fun, the places you can visit, and any cultural activities in which you might like to participate.
  • Choose an appropriate theme, slide layouts, and pictures to format the presentation attractively.
  • Research the location and include properly cited (APA Style) material. Hereis a great resource you can use to find information about places in the US and all over the world. (Be aware that the automatic citation generator for this site uses MLA style and not APA.)
  • Add (copy and paste) a chart or graph you can create in Microsoft Excel. This could be a travel budget.
  • Add (copy and paste) a table you can create in Microsoft Word. This could be a daily schedule.
  • Include a References slide at the end.

Save your file as LastnameFirstinitial_M5_A2.ppt. Submit this document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsSubmitted a PowerPoint presentation at least six slides long about a travel destination.35Chose an appropriate theme, slide layouts, and pictures to format the presentation attractively45Included a chart or graph created in Microsoft Excel.55Included a table created in Microsoft Word55Included properly cited (APA Style) research about the location.45Included a (APA Style) References slide.45Used proper grammar and spelling.20Total:300

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Destination Presentation

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