Informative Essay

Students write an informative essay that increases readers’ knowledge of the topic and comprehension of the thesis statement. Students are assessed on their ability to write cohesive paragraphs, a thesis statement that is fully supported throughout the essay, an introduction, and a conclusion that are free of punctuation, grammar, and spelling errors. Students write in their own words, objectively without bias, and support their statements with evidence. The essay consists of four- to five-pages, including a title page and an annotated bibliography consisting of at least three credible and/or relevant sources. At least three in-text citations from different sources are required. The essay must be formatted in APA, including a title page, an annotated bibliography (in place of a references page), page headers, document headers, one-inch page margins, and be double-spaced using Times New Roman 12-point font.


Components         % of Grade

Analysis and use of course concepts              30%

Organization and coherence            30%

Style and mechanics          20%

APA Style (citations, references, formatting)               20%

TOTAL    100%



Informative Essay Rubric


Below Standard

Approaching Standard

At Standard

Exceeds Standard






DAS-U-Analysis and use of course concepts

Points Range:(0%) - 17.25 (17.25%)

• Does not attempt to explain how the evidence relates to topic • Superficial and poorly developed analysis • Little or no connections are made to course concepts • Uses few sources, may misunderstand them, and lacks critical thinking • No or minimal scholarly references

Points Range:17.25 (17.25%) - 22.87 (22.87%)

• Analysis of the evidence stretches its meaning to support topic • Some new ideas and insight, but lacks depth and detail • Incorporates some course concepts, but accuracy and development are not consistent • Shows basic understanding of sources but does not critically evaluate them • Incorporates few or no scholarly references

Points Range:22.88 (22.88%) - 28.12 (28.12%)

• Analysis explains how the evidence supports the topic in most cases • Analysis reflects insight but is not fully developed • Incorporates many course concepts but sometimes does not develop them • Shows careful reading of sources but little or no critical evaluation • Incorporates adequate or minimum number of scholarly references to support analysis

Points Range:28.12 (28.12%) - 30 (30%)

• Analysis shows a strong relationship between the evidence and the topic • Analysis is insightful and original • Incorporates course concepts accurately, consistently, and frequently • Critically evaluates sources • Incorporates numerous or more than the minimum number of scholarly references required to support analysis

DAS-U-Style and mechanics

Points Range:(0%) - 11.5 (11.5%)

• Contains spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors, so understanding is difficult • Contains numerous awkward or ungrammatical sentences, and sentence structure is simple or monotonous • Misuses words, or uses words that are too vague and abstract or too personal and specific for the topic

Points Range:11.5 (11.5%) - 15.25 (15.25%)

• Contains spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors which may temporarily confuse the reader, but does not generally impede the overall understanding • Sentence structure generally correct but may be wordy, unfocused, repetitive, or confusing • Uses relatively vague or general words and sometimes inappropriate words

Points Range:15.25 (15.25%) - 18.75 (18.75%)

• Contains spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors, but does not impede understanding • Sentences generally clear, well structured, and focused, but some may be awkward or ineffective • Generally uses words accurately and effectively, but sometimes may be too general

Points Range:18.75 (18.75%) - 20 (20%)

• Almost entirely free of spelling, punctuation, and/or grammatical errors • Sentences are varied, clearly structured, carefully focused, and fits assignment’s purpose and audience • Words chosen for their precise meaning and an appropriate level of specificity are used

DAS-U-Organization and coherence

Points Range:(0%) - 17.25 (17.25%)

• Is unclear with no or minimal organization, so ideas appear to be arranged in a random order • Few or inappropriate transitions between paragraphs, and ideas are not developed clearly • Does not appropriately respond to the assignment

Points Range:17.25 (17.25%) - 22.87 (22.87%)

• Minimal organization so ideas appear as a list • Transitions between ideas are minimal, and development of ideas may lack coherence • Not all aspects of the assignment are addressed

Points Range:22.88 (22.88%) - 28.12 (28.12%)

• Follows a logical organization • Ideas are developed but not all pertain directly to the topic • Topic is communicated clearly but not completely, and most or all aspects of the assignment are addressed

Points Range:28.12 (28.12%) - 30 (30%)

• Uses logical structure with introduction, body, and conclusion • Sophisticated development of one idea to another, and reader is guided through the progression of ideas • Clearly communicated topic, and all aspects of assignment are addressed

APA Style (citations, references, formatting)

Points Range:(0%) - 11.5 (11.5%)

• Does not use in-text citations or reference credible sources to support ideas • Does not apply APA document formatting

Points Range:11.5 (11.5%) - 15.25 (15.25%)

• Attempts to use in-text citations and reference credible sources to support ideas • Does not apply APA document formatting consistently but some attempt is made with some errors

Points Range:15.25 (15.25%) - 18.75 (18.75%)

• Almost always uses in-text citations and references credible sources to support ideas • Consistently applies APA document formatting but may include a few errors

Points Range:18.75 (18.75%) - 20 (20%)

• Always uses in-text citations and references credible sources to support ideas • Flawlessly uses APA document formatting with minor errors


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