The creative essay assignment for the Contest (“Creative Assignment”) is to answer the following 2 essay questions: 1. Describe a problem in the world that you would like to solve using STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) skills. This could be a local or global problem. Why do you want to solve it? 2. In the film Hidden Figures, the women featured in the film are referred to as hidden figures as a result of those around them not appreciating or understanding the women’s talents. Describe the ways in which you also might be considered a hidden figure? What unique talents do you possess that may not be fully appreciated by the world around you? Entrant’s complete answer to the 2 essay questions above will constitute Entrant’s essay submission (“Essay Submission”). Each essay question will be subject to a 300 word limit. Judging Criteria Judging Criteria (“Judging Criteria”) is as follows: ➢ Originality and Creativity – ➢ Adherence to Creative Assignment – ➢ Overall Connection to STEM –