Application of Theory to Practice U2 IP

There is a Theoretical Framework section of a consulting proposal. Building upon your developing knowledge of Action Research/Appreciative inquiry/Proposal Consult, compose this section in 6 pages (not including the title page, table of contents, or reference list) addressing the elements below:

  • Explain the theory  and practice of action research and how AR generates new knowledge for the system and why this is so important. Include at least 5 different sources, properly cited.
  • Explain the philosophy and theory of process consultation and how PC emphasizes the helping relationship. Include at least 3 different sources, properly cited.
  • Explain the philosophy and practice of appreciative inquiry. Discuss why dialogue is such an important aspect of AI. Include at least 3 different sources, properly cited. 

APA format, Minimum 6 Pages, scholarly references only

Field of study: 


Application of Theory to Practice

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