Program Review Scavenger Hunt

The Program Review Scavenger Hunt is a series of information searches designed to ensure that you are aware of essential resources and requirements for success in the BSEE program. This Assignment is located in ePortfolio and self-paced. You have three weeks to complete it. Your grade for this Assignment will be Complete or Incomplete.

Begin this week to ensure you finish the scavenger hunt by the end of Week 5.

  • Download the list of questions for the Program Handbook Scavenger Hunt.
  • Accept the receipt of the Candidate Guidebook and Field Experience Handbook. Download and review each document to review for this assignment.
  • Review the questions and consider the information required to answer each one.
  • Consider how to plan your time to ensure you can provide all answers to the scavenger hunt by the end of Week 5.

To complete Assignment 2:

  • For each question, write your answer in the space provided in the Program Review Scavenger Hunt document.
  • Cite each handbook reference using APA style.
  • Submit the Program Review Scavenger Hunt for your Assignment 2 by Day 7 of Week 5
Field of study: 
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