EDU 617 week 4 Discussion Strengths and Weaknesses

Read chapter 6 in Learning Through Serving. Read chapters 10-12 in Pour Your Heart Into It. Reflecting on Our Strengths and Weaknesses

The following topic(s) will demonstrate what the discussion is about, but feel free to branch off or expand on the topics. In addition to this discussion, you will be asked to craft a 150 word reflection on what you have learned through this conversation and post it to the Reflection Journal. The more active you are in this part of the discussion, the more you will have to draw from in your reflection, so get involved, be active, help out your classmates when they need it, and, most of all, enjoy the conversation.

In the book Pour Your Heart Into It, in chapter 11, Schulz talks about “how businesses fail because its leader could not execute”. Maybe this is because they are not aware of their own strengths or the strength of their team. With that in mind, what are three strength/attributes that you have and that you can offer in a service-learning activity? Throughout the discussion, compare and contrast your answers with your classmates’ posts
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EDU 617 week 4 Discussion Strengths and Weaknesses

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