EDD8304 Project Review Form Part 1

Course Project Review Form

Part 1: Capstone Approval, Research Paper

The first step in the capstone process is the capstone topic approval. This document closely mirrors the Capstone Topic Approval form. This form is designed to help you learn to think and write in a way that will facilitate approval of your capstone project proposal. The School of Education currently permits two categories of capstones, each of which has two options:

·         Research paper.

·         Professional product.

In Units 1–5, you will complete Course Project Review Form: Part 1 for approval of a research paper.

In Units 6–9, you will complete Course Project Review Form: Part 2 for approval of a professional product

Please make sure you are using the correct form!

You will need to use the following resources for completion of both Part 1 and Part 2. (All resources can be found on iGuide: Research in the School of Education.

·         EdD Capstone Project Guide.

·         EdD Programs of Professional Practice.

·         Capstone deliverable guides.

Complete each section of the form as it is assigned in the separate units. Submit the entire form each time (even though many sections are left blank) so that your instructor can mark each section as complete and provide feedback you with on it. In, Unit 5 you will review and revise the entire form for clarity, brevity, and alignment, and then submit it as Part 1 of your project, for the research paper capstone option.

By working with the form in this course with a fictitious scenario, you will have the opportunity to develop and practice the disciplined way of writing that will be invaluable to you when writing your full capstone proposal. In your next-to-last course, you will have the opportunity to develop this form on your own topic, which will be invaluable to you when writing the full proposal in your final course.

Do’s and Don’ts

·         Do prepare your answers in a separate Word document. Editing and revising will be easier.

·         Do copy and paste items into the right-hand fields of the form when they are ready (that is, when they exactly meet the instructions in the left sidebar).

·         Do read the item descriptions and their respective instructions carefully. Items request very specific information. Be sure you understand what is asked. Include all of what is requested and only what is requested.

·         Do not delete the instructions in the left sidebar. They are there to let your instructor see if you have followed them.

·         Do not lock the form. That will stop you from editing and revising within the form.

Professional Merit

The purpose of the review will be to evaluate whether the study meets the requirements for a capstone project appropriate to your specialization. The following criteria will be used in this evaluation:

·         The proposed project expands knowledge and informs practice within the specialization through scholarly inquiry and critical analysis.

·         The proposed project applies literature-based practical strategies to find solutions to specific localized problems encountered in practice.

·         The proposed project contributes to individual, organizational, institutional, or community change.

·         The proposed project includes completing a report and appropriate accompanying artifacts/deliverables that meet both relevant scholarly standards and professional criteria of best practice.

Please insert your answers directly into the boxes that have been provided. Do not exceed the allotted space.Unit 5 Review 

In Units 1–4 you have worked through the Course Project Review Form: Part 1, for the research paper capstone option and received instructor feedback.

In Unit 5, you will do a thorough review to ensure all feedback has been incorporated and each section aligns. Go through each section (A–F) and do the following:

1.    Read the instructions in the first column carefully. Go through your draft and be sure that you have included:

·         Everything that is asked for.

·         Nothing that is not explicitly asked for. No extra words, explanations, definitions, or comments.

2.    Give the whole form one last reading as if you were the external reviewer.

Submit your form to the assignment area in Unit 5.

Field of study: 


EDD 8304 Project Review Form Part 1

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