ECON 321 Spring 2018 Assigmentnt 2

a.     Write a 3-2-1 report on the article using the form provided on the course web site. (12 marks)


Question 1


What are the 3 most important concepts, ideas or issues in the reading?


Briefly explain why you chose them.


Any quotes must be in quotation marks and cited properly in APA format.



Question 2


What are the 2 concepts, ideas or issues in the article that you are having the most difficulty understanding, or that are missing but should have been included?


Briefly explain what you did to correct the situation (e.g. looked up an unfamiliar word or a missing fact), and the result. 


Cite any sites or sources used in APA format.






Question 3

What is the main economic story of the paper?


(Economics studies the allocation of limited resources among unlimited needs and wants.)





a.     According to Wikipedia(accessed on January 12, 2017):


In economics, the Dutch disease is the apparent causal relationship between the increase in the economic development of a specific sector (for example, natural resources) and a decline in other sectors (like the manufacturing sector or agriculture).”


According to the article you just read, and this definition of Dutch disease, did the Native economy suffer from Dutch disease as a result of the North American fur trade?  Explain your reasoning briefly. (3 marks)


Yes or No: _____________






7.     [Research] This question will introduce you to using Google Scholar to search for peer-reviewed articles on topics of interest.


a.     Follow these steps to find a recent (since 2012) paper or book on the colonization of Canada.  To obtain credit for answering this question, cite the book or article using correct APA format, including a hyperlink if appropriate. (10 marks)


                                                              i.      Go


                                                            ii.      Enter ‘Canada colonization’ into the search box and hit the blue magnifying glass button on the right to search.


                                                          iii.      On the results page, you’ll notice a LOT of articles that have nothing to do with Canadian history.  That’s because ‘colonization’ is also a term used in biology.  Add ‘French’, or ‘fur trade’, or ‘Huron’, or other relevant terms to try to narrow your search to articles that have to do with Canada’s colonization by Europeans.


                                                         iv.      Once you’re happy with your search, un-tick ‘include patents’ and ‘include citations’.  Patents aren’t relevant, and citations just tell you the name of the article or book, and not where you can actually find it.


                                                           v.      Click ‘Custom Range’, enter ‘2013’ – ‘2018’ and click ‘Search’ to find books and articles written since 2013.


                                                         vi.      From the results, select an article or book that is relevant to the economic history of Canada’s colonization by Europeans. Cite it using correct APA format:






b.     Briefly explain, in your own words, why the paper or book you chose is of interest to economic historians.Remember the definition of economics (the study of the allocation of limited resources among unlimited needs and wants). (5 marks)





Question 1


Kardulias, N. P. (2007). Negotiation and Incorporation on the Margins of World-Systems: Examples from Cyprus and North America. Journal of World Systems Research, XIII(1), 55 – 82.  Retrieved from


(Click on the tiny ‘PDF’ link under ‘FULL TEXT’, then click on ‘DOWNLOAD THIS PDF FILE’ once the PDF loads.)


Anonymous, (n.d.).  Dutch disease [Web Page]. Retrieved from on January 12, 2017.



Question 2


Google. (n.d.) Google Scholar [Web Site]. Retrieved from

Field of study: 
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