NTC 245 - Week 3 - Individual: Network Fundamentals and Protocols

Watch the Pluralsight course "Network Fundamentals and Protocols" with Daniel Lachance.

Note: This video discusses the difference between physical and logical topologies. It will also discuss when to use certain types of equipment. Viewing the video will assist you in writing your paper, as well as build a foundation for your career in IT.

Write a 1- to 2-page paper that includes the following:

  • A summary of how DHCP and DNS work and the benefits of using them
  • The benefit of TCP over UDP
  • Examples of applications that use TCP and UDP. Explain why unreliable UDP works well for streaming audio and video.
  • A comparison of IPv4 and IPv6

Create a chart that provides a side-by-side comparison of IPv4 and IPv6 features.

Note: All references need to adhere to APA guidelines, and images should not be copied unless author permission is obtained or copyright free images are used.

Field of study: 


Network Fundamentals and Protocols

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