ITEC 630 Section 9043
Problem I - (50 points)
Perfect Pizza wants to install a system to record orders for pizza and chicken wings. When regular customers call Perfect Pizza on the phone, they are asked their phone number. When the number is typed into a computer, the name, address, and last order date is automatically brought up on the screen. Once the order is taken, the total, including tax and delivery, is calculated. Then the order is given to the cook. A receipt is printed. Occasionally, special offers (coupons) are printed so the customer can get a discount. Drivers who make deliveries give customers a copy of the receipt and a coupon (if any). Weekly totals are kept for comparison with last year’s performance. A summary of business activities for taking an order at Perfect Pizza is as follows:
1. Draw a context-level data flow diagram for Perfect Pizza
2. Explode the above context-level diagram by drawing the logical data flow diagram 0 showing all the major processes using the following items:
Process names:
(1) Find and display customer record
(2) Take customer order
(3) Send order to cook
(4) Print customer receipt
(5) Deliver customer order
(6) Print weekly totals
Data stores:
(1) Customer master
(2) Product file
(3) Coupons
(4) Sale history
(1) Customer
(2) Management
(3) Cook
Problem II - (50 points)
You are going to interview the local manager of LDI, a national tire retailer, who has asked you to work as a system analyst on a management information system to provide inventory information. (45pts….15pts. per)
Here are five questions you wrote to prepare for the meeting:
1. What are the five physical strengths and five limitations of the end users with respect to performing the national retail inventory processing on a daily basis?
2. What are the top ten high-level needs to make the new inventory system user-friendly, accurate, reliable, and secure?
3. Do you have year-to-date demand and supply metrics that were gathered in the last three months?
4. How often do you update your tire inventories?
5. How many retail stores do you currently have that carry your tire inventory?
Order your questions in:
(1) pyramid structure
(2) funnel structure
(3) diamond-shaped structure
Problem III- (50 points)
Steve Smith is a restaurant owner who wants to spend his $10,000 to modernize his restaurant by adapting it more closely to the preferences of his repeat customers. Keeping track of his customers’ likes and dislikes. Information such as where they like to sit, what they like to eat, when they normally arrive at the restaurant are all items of interest to him, since he believes that in this way he can better serve his customers. Steve has asked you to develop a system for him that will help make his customers happy while increasing his business.
You have heard what Steve had to say about his customers. There are certainly more preferences that he can keep track of.
Note: Be sure to provide comprehensive answers in addressing each of the five areas.
Problem Definition
Problem IV: (50 points)
In the following proposed DFD design, there are some typical errors among external entities (E), processes (P) and data stores
In the following proposed DFD design, there are some typical errors among external entities (E), processes (P) and data stores
1. Identify and explain the errors in the above design. (Use a narrative explanation) 25pts.
2. Propose design modifications(use a narrative explanation)25pts.
Problem V- (50 points)
Please label each question as either closed question or open-ended question.
1. How many personal computers do you have in this department?
2. How is this task performed?
3. Why do you perform the task that way?
4. How many hours of training does a clerk receive?
5. How many customers ordered products from the Web site last month?
6. What are users saying about the new system?
7. How are the checks reconciled?
8. What added features would you like to have in the new billing system?
9. Is the calculation procedure described in the manual?
10. Is there anything else you can tell me about this topic?