ITEC 630 Information Systems Analysis, Modeling, and Design Group Project Assignment

A common practice in the today IT related field is to work in groups of people with different backgrounds and skills. This assignment is intended to add some practice in working and learning as a team. You will be assigned to a project team for the purpose of studying, analyzing and presenting the results of your study in a specified topic, related with the course subject.

Suggested topics for the group project:

·         Concept of System Design and Analysis - Modern Perspective

·         Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design

·         Requirements Analysis - tools of trade

·         Requirements Analysis – methodologies

·         Prototyping

·         Trends in Databases

·         Concept of Project Management

·         Essential of Project Management

·         System Proposal Development

·         Essentials of Systems Engineering

·         Systems Engineering Life Cycles

·         Quality Assurance - historical perspective

·         Challenges of Systems Implementation

·         Concept of Software Engineering


Each group will prepare a short PowerPoint presentation (in the neighborhood of 20 slides) along with any relevant notes – either as notes on the slides or as a separate Word document.

The deadline for the Group Project can be found in the schedule section of the class syllabus.


1.      Each group should designate a coordinator (and probably a backup person as well) who will assume responsibility for posting the Group Project outline and schedule, status report, and final presentation.

2.      The Groups will be formed with the same number of students in each group (plus or minus one). For each group, a private discussion space will be created, under the My Tools>Groups.

3.      You should do some preliminary research on the assigned topic from articles, books, and Internet. As a team, you should decide the strategy to work and divide the work.

4.      As a team, you should participate in the preparation of your group PowerPoint presentation.

5.      Your group will be expected to prepare any supplemental material necessary to make your group presentation understandable.

6.      Submit the PPT presentation in the discussion topic by the deadline given in the syllabus for this class.

Grading Information

To ensure that each student contributes equitably to the group effort, each individual in the group will complete a peer evaluation form to assess each other's level of effort. The grade will be based on the rating for your entire team plus assessment of your individual contribution to the group effort. The group project is worth 15% of your final grade.

Note 1: To enforce fairness, you are encouraged to post regularly in the Group discussions. This way the rest of the group will be able to review and approve that your effort corresponds to your contributions.

Note 2: There are no right or wrong answers on the project. The real purpose is to show how creative and sophisticated you can be in analyzing the problem and succinctly explaining your approach.


During the first two weeks, you have to:

·         Come up with a name for your team.

·         Discuss with your teammates the topics above. You should use the Group discussion area to do this. Obtain group consensus on the preferred topic. Post the top three selections of your group in order of preference in the assignment folder reserved for the group project.

·         Please let me know who your team leader is no later than the end of Week 2.


Note that the instructor reserves the right to intervene in case the group is not functioning properly.

Field of study: 
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