Mentee-Mentor Communication Log

Mentee-Mentor Communication Log

Note to students and faculty:

This form is useful to students who want to keep track of their communication with their Mentor. Because documents can get "lost" in cyberspace from time to time, it is important that students keep a record of any contacts with their Mentor.  Making regular contact with the Mentor is key to student success.

This form will not be graded; this is provided you so that you can be proactive with your communication with your Mentor and to help to stay organized. You are encouraged to provide a copy of this log to ensure that your Mentor is informed of your progress.

As a friendly reminder, tone is very important in any communication. Students and mentors are expected to communicate in a respectful and courteous manner. When communications are initiated, both parties are expected to respond in a timely manner by e-mail or phone.


Date of contact

Topic of communication

What was the Mentor’s response? Provide a summary or copy of the response here.





























Field of study: 
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