1.) Discuss some of the sterotypes regarding Neanderthal intelligence. Do you think these assumptions are valid? Why or why not?
2.) What type of technique do Neanderthals utilize when creating stone tool technology? Is this technique easy to reproduce? What field studies the production of stone tool technology?
3.) Provide at least three examples of Neanderthals capabilities for complex symbolic expression.
4.) Discuss the genetic evidence from the Green et.al (2010) study that suggests Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens may have interbreed. Think back to chapter 4 and the species concept. If Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens are capable of interbreeding, should they be considered seperate species?
5.) Discuss John Hawk's theory regarding what happened to the Neanderthals. Do you agree or disagree with his theory? Be sure to explain why you agree or disagree with John Hawks.